We hebben een mega record aantal aanmeldingen. Helaas kunnen wij niet alle kinderen in een team plaatsen. Daardoor hebben we besloten de inschrijvingen per direct te sluiten.

6 t/m 9 juni 2025
We hebben een mega record aantal aanmeldingen. Helaas kunnen wij niet alle kinderen in een team plaatsen. Daardoor hebben we besloten de inschrijvingen per direct te sluiten.
I have been trying to register my daughter for last 2 years but both the times, the registration closes too soon, or may be i got to know about it late..
is three a way that i can get to know when the registration opens..
is there any waiting list for it?
My daughter goes to dutch school and is in group 6.
Within a few hours, we were completely full. Currently, 38 children are on the waiting list. We are happy to see so many registrations, but also disappointed that we have to disappoint nearly 40 children. There is a very small chance that there might still be a spot for your daughter. If you send an email to info@weekaatje.nl with her name, address, date of birth, phone number, and email, we will add her to the list. Who knows, we might still be able to find her a spot.